Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Notes for self improvement-1- Practice Humility

Another sales win, another design win and it is always that feeling- " I am master of all that i survey". Then the kid inside myself feel elated and the feeling comes" I can win anything and everything"... Then the natural bragging comes to me.

But wait....Is it that important? and for what I am elated..??
Then the way back- that urge... I must listen to the song.....Don't get me wrong. the urge is so strong I stop on the side of road- and search for the song in youtube-
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDbuSOI1Vnc ( E monihar amay nahi saje) .. The cobwebs of the mind gets cleared.
Gitabitan- states that Poet wrote this when he was going through conflict between feeling of achievement and rejection of situation when he was being praised from all corners prior to receiving the Nobel prize. I think no other song could have captured my mood so well.
This jewell-studded chain is not match for me.
It hurts when put on; it clatters while attempting to break.
It suffocates, choking my vocal tune
It is distracting and I am unable to concentrate.
That is the reason why I am on the wait,
I wish to put the chain across your neck and be relieved.
Gracefully receive me with floral garlands
I shy away from you because of this jewel-chain.
Can I practice humility? more?
that i have to- sometimes when in thick of battle, when i feel elated- i just have to remind me- everything is transient. there have been more failures than success. I have done more mistakes than correct things at one go.some mistakes- I could learn from, some mistakes -- i continue to do.. so what is there to be proud of.

I have to be more humble. Enforce it.. Humbleness brings peace.
I have to remind myself everyday- to be humble.. while still pursuing perfection.

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