Monday, March 21, 2005

Life in terms of quarters

Quarter means- divide into 4 parts. We use it as a block of 3 months of a year. Ever since I am in a professional life [ i.e.. nearly 5 years]I have been guided by this term. Quarter 1 or Q1[ jan to March] Q2-- hence forth. So much so that life planning revolves around that.

Sometimes i find it conveinent- sometimes quite boring-- can it be changed. i sat thinking and then found out i am thinking that i will do it from next quarter.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Ode to a sales man

Anjan died on saturday in a freak mishap. That too, some thousands of mile away from home in bankok. I remember meeting him out of TAPMI some days back- same cheerful self. same smiling and tied attire- always proper--- a propah sales man. He went to Bangkok with a new proposal. as he was standing out of airport , some drunkards in Mercedes hit him and 3 others. Anjan died on the spot. His body was flown back on Sunday. He leaves behind a 1 yr old daughter and his grieving wife.

I knew him for past 2 years. We had numerous debates on sales technologies and methods. Myself from tehnical sales , he from cut throat insurance and banking sector. We were not that close- likewith most of my aquaintances- all can claim to my freindship.

I wish i knew you better. I knew , that you were a great sales man, best as they come.

anyways--- good luck till we meet.