Wednesday, January 19, 2005

A technical sales person's crib

I am a sales man..... A proud one at that... I like sales- I love selling solutions. I love telling people- why my solutions are best- why they are valuable. I sell EDA tools- Electronics design tools- the softwares which help people in designing Chips (i made it simple- so that all can understand---- i could have put lots of nerdy terms and that would have been bonkers!!!)

But now the problem- I sell it to Government agencies. Over past 4 years- i have been credited with numerous orders from govt./psu/ organisations for solutions. And man!!! do i enjoy it.... i do.....You got to fight it out at every step. A 13 K indian ruppes order is as difficult to materialise as- 13 crore project order....And you have to be sane even after that.

In a typical day-
My work starts at 8 am-- as my customers are there at the palce by 830. need to visit them then find out the painpoints. and adress them or talk to them.. sounds easy ehhhh???? but not so...
When will our defence organisations and PSU will be more efficient?? i wonder


  1. perrhaps they have a point in being slow and inefficient after all

  2. the point is- we as a nation donot give primary importance to discipline. If we as a Indian race was more disciplined and more conscientious- we could have touched epoch proportion of greatness..
