Thursday, February 10, 2005

when do you say it is done?

When we start a work we feel it is having a starting time and a ending date. That is the time we never ask ourselves- when wewill define that end moment?

During the progress of work we never know when it is going to end and feel deadocked.

So we need to learn- how to say- when do you say it is done?

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm...
    that is a very deep thought sam...

    i too was thinkin about posting it...

    I was thinking that perhaps there is no real *end* to things in real life. 'End' as we are used to it .. like ending of examination; ending of an assignment or perhaps ending of a project. Its us humans who, for better understanding of this chaotic environment and for trying to get *some* control over the things that happen around us; its us who like to define and *end* to a particular _activity_.
