Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lonely and cold in ChungHsiao Road

This is it....one of those crazy days...
sudden urge to write something..

too many things- not me in my mind. preparing ppt for that important meeting. but who cares- even if i know the business of marketing- who cares. whether i do 16 million or nothing who cares.???
bottom line is i am feeling lonely in chung hsiao road. Perched on a summer night- moolight decked- verandeah- miles and liles of Taipei lights in front. i key away at random thoughts.

moreover- i am cold- kept the ac on full swing- sleepy- but yet to compelte the foils and business leaders will comment on it. But do i care. always work- more work.

the bach music running in background. There is so much all around- but i remember....

i suddenly remember- the touch.....
why do i remember old things- past... present future.why my wifes absence- makes me sad???Why i feel lonely- freinds long gone by. freinds who donot care to write back. i just see them getting mired in social networking sites. those beautiful photos.-- let them be happy.. who cares...


Monday, July 14, 2008


Today was flashback day and lots of coincidence. It was very early morning flight from Bangalore international and i was going to fly to Pune.Unlike other days- today i was roaming around and was checking out where BIAL can make a mirror terminal if atall.suddenly a guy came and stared hard at me.How are you soumitra??He asked. I stared back and recognised him [ jogging my memory]- I remembered that sharp guy in cumputer dept.- Ajanta. He was going to Gauhati from USA [ san franisco]. We exchanged notes. Met his wife- sujata [ she is also batchmate]. Talked a lot.and lots of old memories flodded in. on the flight- unlike other days- i was not able to sleep- was thinking of all freinds-fell asleep for some 20 mins- dreamt about all freinds..... it was eerie..and i was embrassed- why i am not in touch with my freinds -old- new- not so new....

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Online -blog- revival plan

As if somebody cares!!!!
about what i do to my blog. But today I set up and modified first my website and then felt like going back and touch my blog account. so here i am rambline again.
Will be travelling - most of the time in next 3 weeks [ Pune, Delhi, pit stop back to home se- Bangalore then Taiwan]. Plans this rest of the year- let me blog more- put up my weekly ramblings.L me get back in touch with freinds......